Walk more with less pain in your hypermobile hips in 6 weeks without increased stiffness or strain.

Building hip stability as a hypermobile human is TOUGH!

With decreased body awareness, pain from your hips, legs or lower back, and not a lot of spare energy or time to devote to exercise, it’s extra hard to maintain the hip strength you have, let alone improve it! Especially when it seems like you’ve already tried everything and nothing seems to help.

Most people think that to be able to walk more with less pain, they have to exercise for hours every day on fancy equipment or have a ‘no pain, no gain’ attitude to movement, but the truth is: you need to remind your brain that there are other movement options besides the current ones! 

Over time, your brain has developed a feeling of safety in certain movements - for example, straightening your ankle during the push-off movement of walking. Your brain may have been keeping the ankle bent during walking for so long that it’s forgotten that there’s another option.

So if you try that ankle extension, for example, without first giving your brain more sensory information to make it feel safe during the movement, then your brain will say “No, thank you” and not integrate that movement into your daily life.

If you can’t use your feet and ankles to their full ability then your hips (which get their information from your feet and ankles!) also can’t make good movement responses which increases hip and back pain.

And if you don’t improve your brain’s and body’s movement options for walking, then unfortunately you run the risk of not being able to increase or maintain your hip stability and strength so that you can continue walking as you get older.

If the new movement (for example: bending your ankle a certain way) does not feel safe because of a lack of stability or strength or proprioception then your brain will simply choose the old way and damn the consequences (discomfort! pain!)

Fortunately, although we can’t change the brain’s previous experience, we CAN increase our brain’s feeling of safety around movement using a specific method.

Want to give the some brain-based strategies a try?

Check out the video below which focuses on creating reflexive stability at your hip!

Introducing the one and only….

What people are saying about brain-based movement, hypermobility and working with Nicole!


Module 1: The Path to Creating Your Stable Hips

  • The quickest way to make your brain pay attention to a walking-crucial body part

  • The secret to knowing when you’ve improved your movement

  • The most important toys and tools you’ll need to succeed

Module 2: Fantastic Foot Function

  • The truth about where hip stability begins

  • The one sensory system that you probably have never integrated for better movement

  • …AND MORE!

Module 3: Hip Joint Joy

  • The single most powerful tool for hip joint stability

  • Discover how use joint isolations to communicate with your brain

  • A simple visual strategy that will build your walking confidence

  • …AND MORE!

Module 4: Steps to Walking Well

  • The secret to exceptional balance

  • Discover how to get your feet to talk to your hips so that you can walk more and walk better

  • The quickest way to learn how much your hips and walking have improved

  • …AND MORE!

The Happy Hypermobile Hips course shows you how to start getting the results you desire.

It’s an investment in yourself that pays huge dividends in your future.

One that will continue to bring results for the rest of your life by allowing you to continue doing more of the activities you love for better mental and physical health for a long time.

These exercises and techniques are exactly what I teach in my private sessions with clients but for a fraction of the cost for you.

Money-Back Guarantee

My goal with this course is for you to discover exercises and brain-based techniques that create change not only during the exercise but also in how you feel during and after walking.

I’m so confident in this program that if within 14 days of purchase, you don’t feel like this is for you, you can request a refund, no questions asked.

I have some extra “Goodies” for you!

The 4 main modules of HHH will change the way your body moves. But that’s only the beginning.

When you join HHH, you also get 3 awesome bonus lessons to make your progress even better and your success even easier. 

Starting with…

So now it’s time for you to make one of two choices.

The first choice is to do nothing. And you already know, if you choose nothing…then nothing changes.

BUT, if you already know that you want to walk more, do more with less pain in your hypermobile hips, then your choice is obvious: join me inside the Happy Hypermobile Hips Foundations course and start building stability, balance and strength in your hypermobile hips.



  • You don't needs weights or expensive exercise equipment. You'll need a chair, a small towel, a resistance band and a comfortable place to lie down. You may use pillows to help you feel more comfortable in certain positions. If you have a tennis-like ball or foot rollers, you may want to have them handy.

  • I have a 100% money-back guarantee with the first 14 days of purchase.

  • The course can improve knee function as well.

    Since the knees respond to what the hips and feet are doing, often when you improve the foot and hip function then the knee improves too.

    In the Foundations course we do not do exercises for the knees in particular. That would come in a following course after the foot and hips foundations are build.

  • For sure! I've designed the course to have bitesize information and exercises that can easily be added into your regular life movements so that you are successful in improving your hip stability.

  • For this reason, I've stripped down the info and exercises to make them very relevant and easily digestible.

  • There is a private Kajabi community available so that you can connect with other hypermobile humans taking the Foundations course.

    You can also ask Nicole questions about the course in that community.

  • You definitely don't need to know anything about the brain and nervous system for this course. I'll be introducing you to a few key concepts and keeping the information as easy to understand as possible. Of course the brain and nervous system are way more complex but we can still make change to our movement patterns.

  • This course is the first level in the Happy Hypermobile Hips program. For some hypermobile humans, these exercises are all they need to improve their gait and be able to walk longer and further.

    Some hypermobile bodies need more time, exercises and practice to improve their hip function and the next levels will provide that.

  • Often with hypermobility, the SI joint is getting overused since the brain has a muddy map of the pelvis and legs.

    With the neuro techniques and small exercises, you'll reintroduce the brain to other tissues and movements that can support the SI joint.

  • To reduce overwhelm and give you time to integrate the learning and movement, the content is released weekly (or sooner depending on the module).

  • The videos are 4-10 minutes and each sub-module has 2-3 videos. 1 of those videos will be the movement instructions for the brain-based exercise. Once you practice the exercise and find what works for you, you'll spend a couple of minutes most days using it to wake up your brain to movement options. So minimum 15-30 minutes every 5-7 days.

  • There are no group movement classes included in this course.

    You do have access to a private Kajabi community where you can post questions and Nicole will answer them there.

  • The course does not include private lessons with Nicole although you are welcome to book them here if you'd like some extra support or accountability.