Sheldrake Pilates & Movement

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Decrease Neck Pain with Visual Exercises? How does it work?

My clients with symptomatic joint hypermobility (HSD) and upper cervical instability (CCI) frequently struggle with chronic neck pain.

The relationship between eye muscles and neck pain is often overlooked but can have a significant impact on one's overall well-being.

The eye muscles and neck muscles are intricately connected and work in tandem to maintain proper posture and alignment. Prolonged periods of eye strain, such as staring at screens or reading for extended periods, can cause the eye muscles to become fatigued and tense. This tension can then radiate into the neck muscles, leading to discomfort, stiffness, and even headaches.

Conversely, poor neck posture can strain the eye muscles as they try to compensate for misalignment. Thus, it is crucial to address both eye and neck muscle health through proper ergonomics, regular rest breaks, and exercises that promote strength and flexibility in these areas. You can exercise your eye muscles to support your neck muscles!!

By nurturing a harmonious relationship between the eye and neck muscles, individuals can alleviate neck pain and enhance their overall physical comfort and health.

With Brain-Based Pilates for Hypermobility, we find strategies that create a sense of safety and better proprioception for your brain as to where your neck and head are in space.