Virtual Event: A reading of ‘A Christmas Carol’

Dec 19-23, 2020 at 7:00pm, Nicole reads ‘A Christmas Carol’ (this event is free!)

‘Twas Christmas in China…

My very first Christmas away from my family was spent on the edge of the Gobi desert in northern China, where I was volunteering as an English Language teacher. My colleague, a volunteer from the UK, had a lovely family tradition of reading aloud Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol for the 5 days leading up to Christmas.

That year, in our house amongst the sand dunes and the remains of the Great Wall of China, she read A Christmas Carol to me. It was delightful and this year I’ve decided to recreate that experience for my community virtually.

You’re invited!

December 19-23, 2020 at 7:00pm PST, you are invited to join me as I read A Christmas Carol to my husband in real life and to everyone else over Zoom! If you can’t make all 5 nights, no problem! Come when you can. I figure it’ll take about 30-45 minutes to read each stave(chapter).

Photo by Pavan Trikutam  @ptrikutam

Photo by Pavan Trikutam @ptrikutam

How you can prepare

Comfy clothes, a warm drink and soft lighting are recommended! A real fire is nice but a virtual fire works too. Gather your household around to share in the fun! You are welcome to keep video on or off as you feel.

You’ll receive a new Zoom link for each reading session in your reminder email.

Creating ‘Hygge’

I love the Danish idea of hygge, defined as ‘a quality of coziness and comfortable conviviality that engenders a feeling of contentment or well-being’. My goal is to create a hygge experience for you and your loved ones. Whether video is on or off, just knowing that a community have taken the time to gather and listen together creates a certain energy and feeling of, dare I say, goodwill?

Ready to sign up?

To join this free event, please sign up here.

Let’s create community with joy!



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